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Lamda Lessons

What is Lamda?

Lamda is one of the UK’s oldest and most respected London Drama Schools and awarding bodies. Lamda have been offering practical exams in communication & performance subjects for over 130 years.

Lamda qualifications are graded and very young learners are able to begin with the Introductory range of qualifications. The graded system then begins at Entry Level up to Medal Level (Grades 6-8).

Lamda exams are about achievement, recognising and rewarding success and developing vital life skills for every individual.

The ultimate aim is to provide all people with the opportunity to develop the life skills they need to be a success!

So whether it’s a journey to improve self confidence, communicate clearly, improve reading skills, host meetings & presentations, acting or performing – Lamda offers a qualification for everyone. Regardless of age, ability, experience, culture or background.

Lamda qualifications can transport the latest budding performer on a recognised journey to the entertainment industry. However, equally, Lamda can benefit those requiring a simple confidence boost or improved communication skills.

Lamda exams are not exclusive to children and are open to learners of all ages with no restrictions!